Why I Might Not Accept Your Car Accident or Other Personal Injury Case by South Orange County Attorney John P. Burns

Even if your case is of a type which I normally would accept, such as a car accident or other personal injury case, here are some things that might cause me to not accept your case.  I will still be kind, courteous and professional towards you.  I will just point out to you things that might make the case not worthwhile for you, as well as for me.

My name is John Burns and I’m a car accident and personal injury attorney in South Orange County California.  My office is located right where  Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel and San Juan Capistrano all come together.

  1. If I believe that we would be unable to prove that the person you believe caused your injuries was the person actually responsible for your injuries, I would reject your case.  That’s because I need to make sure that we can prove that your injuries and were not actually caused, partially or completely, by you not being careful enough.
  2. Another reason for me to reject your case would be if your injuries and other damages were so small that the case wouldn’t be worthwhile for you to get involved in, or for me to get involved in either.
  3. A third reason for me to reject your case might be if there is not a sufficient source of payment for your injuries.  For example, if the other person who caused the injuries doesn’t have insurance or enough insurance, or there are no other assets that we can go after to make the whole thing worthwhile for you or me.

If we do talk, I can do the following for you:

  1. I can tell you whether or not we can prove that the person who we believe caused your injuries was in fact responsible.
  2. I can evaluate for you whether the injuries were sufficient enough for you to go forward.
  3. I can tell you whether or not there’s going to be enough insurance or other assets to pay the damages that you’re entitled to.

Please call me to discuss these matters.  My phone number is (949) 496-7000, or you can email me atjohn@johnburnslaw.com.

Thank you for watching the video.  I look forward to hearing from you soon.  Have a great day.

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