If you are going to be driving a long distance this summer, be sure to keep these tips in mind to help keep you safe.
Get your Car Checked Out
Before you embark on any vacation, be sure to take it to your mechanic to have it tuned up and checked out. Doing this will help keep your car running at it’s optimal level and will help prevent avoidable breakdowns. Be sure they check the brakes, tires, fluids and anything else that they feel should be checked based on the usage of your vehicle.
Keep your Children Safe
If you are travelling with children, their safety needs to be your number one priority. Be sure their car seats are functioning properly and are installed correctly. Additionally, don’t leave your children in the car unattended. It’s very easy for children to overheat, so be sure to keep the car cool and don’t leave them alone. Lastly, always check that everyone is wearing their seatbelt properly.
Stay Alert
When you are driving long distances, it can be difficult to stay focused. It can also be very boring. However, as the driver, it is your number one job to stay alert and pay attention to everything that is happening on the road. Don’t try to multi-task while driving by checking your phone or anything else. Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. If you do need to take care of something, pull over and attend to it before you get back on the road.
Be Prepared
Before you leave, be sure you have everything you might need if your car breaks down or if you are in an accident. This includes jumper cables, a first aid kit, and a flashlight. Here are ten emergency items you should have in your car. Having this kit in your car will be extremely helpful should you need it. And because you never know when you will need it, you should always have it in your car.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 949-496-7000. We offer a free consultation to help answer your questions.