It is no secret that spring break is a dangerous time to be on the road. Hundreds of thousands of people take road trips across the country and the risk of a car accident and injury steeply increases as summer draws near. Spring break is also notorious for a spike in DUI’s and alcohol-related accidents. Because of this, it is important to remain safe on the roads at all times while traveling with friends or family during spring break.
Take An Uber, Lyft Or Cab – Just Don’t Drive
Over the years, DUI rates in Orange County have steadily risen. In Orange County alone there are an average of 20,000 DUI arrests every year and the average cost of a DUI for your first offense is $12,000. If you are planning on going out and drinking over spring break, during the day or at night, do not drive. Nowadays, there are plenty of alternatives to driving. An average 15-minute Uber ride will cost you about $9, which is way cheaper than an arrest. Not to mention the fact that you are putting yourself and others at risk when you choose to get behind the wheel and drive. In 2014, there were 882 fatalities caused by an alcohol-related accident in California. Almost 10,000 people died in 2014 across the United States because people chose to drive under the influence. Be safe when celebrating!
Tips For Road Tripping
Driving while drowsy can be very dangerous. A recent study conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that drowsy drivers are responsible for one in six – or 17 percent – of fatal car accidents. To ensure the safety of all passengers in the car, it is the responsibility of the driver to take breaks, switch off driving shifts as often as possible and ask the front seat passenger to keep you company in order to stay alert while driving to your destination. Two alert drivers are always safer than one.
Additional Road Trip Tips:
-Keep your valuables and money with you. Do not leave them in the car, even if you are only taking a bathroom break.
-If you are hailing a taxi in a new city, be sure to ask the price ahead of time.
-If you do take an Uber, pay attention to the driver. If they seem like they might be intoxicated or if you feel unsafe, do not get into the vehicle. There are always better alternatives.
If you have any questions or if you have gotten into an accident and need someone to speak to, please call me at 949-496-7000.
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