Pedestrian Accident | FracturedLeg | Orange County AttorneyJohn P. Burns

Here a short version of an article attorney John P. Burns posted to his
The client me that he could not see the Do Not Walk signal because of sun glare. He said that he was waiting on the curb when the lady then pulled forward over the limit line a few feet and stopped again, this time halfway into the walking lanes for people crossing the street.
He said that as he stepped off the curb the lady suddenly made a right turn on the red light and stepped on the gas. He said he saw her looking to her left at oncoming traffic just before she ran into him.
Her car knocked my client into the air and out into the intersection. The paramedics came and my client was taken to the hospital with a badly fractured leg. It required extensive surgery to repair, as well as months of rehabilitation. My client is still in a wheelchair and is only now starting to walk on a walker. The medical bills totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The investigating officer found my client to be the cause of the accident. An associated factor was listed as the driver’s lack of attention.
The day after we had the defendant served with our lawsuit, a supervisor from the insurance company called me and asked if my client would accept the driver’, insurance policy limits to settle.
So here’s my message and my Unique Selling Proposition. This case shows how I go after an insurance company, even if it not a perfect case. I think it shows what kind of lawyer I am and that a person who has me as their attorney has someone who is not afraid to do battle for them.
If you would like to know more about me, I invite you to visit my and look at the testimonials of my clients and my lawsuit information videos. The videos are also a nice way for you to get to know me before you talk to me..
If you feel comfortable after doing that, I encourage you to e mail me at or call me at 949-496-7000. I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you personally.
John P. Burns
The Law Offices of John P. Burns

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