Orange County Accident Injury Attorney Gets Big Settlement For Client Injured By Homeowner’s Pet

I want to tell you the story of my client who was injured by a homeowner’s pet goat and ended up having to have a back surgery.  My client also ended up having a lot of money from the settlement I obtained for hm.

My name is John Burns and I’m a personal injury attorney in South Orange County California.  My office is located right where Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, San Juan Capistrano all come together.

What happened in this particular case is that my client met a girl on the Internet and she owned a home out in a rural area in Riverside County.  She invited him out for lunch one day and he went out to meet her.  My client is a very nice clean cut young man. I met the girl and she’s also a very lovely young lady.  They are both just nice people.

My client went out to her house to have lunch with her. She was living in a rural home and she had pet goats out by the garage.  She asked him to change a light out by the goat pen that it was up on the garage and he said sure.  So he got a ladder and went out there and as he was up on the ladder changing the light, the goat climbed the first rung of the ladder and started chewing on the bottom of my client’s jeans. This caused my client to fall off the ladder on his back, landing on the edge of a concrete slab causing him a serious back injury.

When I was contacted, the girl who invited my client to lunch and my client were still friends.  She actually came with him, brought him to my office for him to sign up with me. When we contacted the insurance company who insured the house that the girl lived in, they were kind of nervous. The reason was because I was on talking terms with the lady who owned the house, their insured.  So they were very suspicious and they didn’t want to pay.

So we filed a lawsuit and we moved the case on into litigation and the attorney for the insurance company who was representing the person who we sued actually served a subpoena on my client’s father. The reason was to get my client to bring his father out to the defense attorney’s office and ask him questions about the injuries, to make sure they were real.  And so I talked to my client’s father and he said, I’ll come meet them without a subpoena.  I called the defense attorney and told him that my client was willing to have his father come out and talk to him and that seemed to change everything in the case.

My client’s father came to the defense attorney’s office, told them about how my client had come home injured that day and told him what had happened. What he told him was consistent with my client’s story, and they ended up being able to resolve the case just out of being reasonable and giving them the information that they needed.

So before I tell you the results of this case I need to tell you the following.  Different cases have different facts and so there are different results in these cases.  I can’t guarantee you a certain amount that you would recover on your case.  You have different facts.

You might get more out of your case, you might get less, you might get the same.  There’s no guarantee although we always try to get the best result that we can for everybody in every case that we handle.

The result in this case was good.  My client got a big settlement that we negotiated with the insurance company and everything worked out fine for him. He had a back surgery, his back recovered one hundred percent and he got enough money to buy a small house for himself and his young daughter.

I would like you to call me to talk about your case.  My phone number is (949) 496-7000, or you can email me at  I look forward to hearing form you.  Thanks for watching the video.  Have a great day.


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