Motorcycle Safety Tips for Riding in Southern California

The sunny, warm days in California are ideal for motorcycle riding. Many riders across the country who deal with harsh conditions probably dream of such weather. However, the traffic in California can be dangerous for motorcyclists, turning a nice ride into a fatal motorcycle accident within the blink of an eye.

Because of congested lanes and the small size of motorcycles, motorists often overlook the motorcycles sharing the road with them. Car and truck drivers need to do a better job of checking blind spots and the rest of the road for motorcycles before changing lanes. However, here are several things that motorcycle drivers also can do several things to help lessen their chances of getting into Southern California motorcycle crashes, including:

  • Obey traffic laws.
  • Drive defensively.
  • Don’t weave in and out of traffic.
  • Do a visual check for other cars before changing lanes.
  • Change riding techniques to make the motorcycle easier to see in traffic.
  • Be aware of road conditions.
  • Allow more distance between the bike and other vehicles.
  • Check tires before riding.
  • Wear proper safety gear.
  • Wear brightly colored apparel and helmets.
  • Never drink and drive.

Motorcycle riders should check their tire treads and wear frequently. Since a bike only has two tires, they both must be in working condition. Also, for amotorcycle riders should be more aware of other vehicles, road conditions, road hazards and weather conditions. They should ride with more cushion room between vehicles.

aA smaller vehicle allows for a decreased commute time, it is wise tobut this should not be achieved by weaving through traffic. Motorcyclists do need to drive defensively, though, because other motorists may not see them coming.

In the event of an Orange County motorcycle crash, wearing a properly fitted helmet can help reduce a motorcycle rider’s chance of head, facial, and neck injuries. Motorcycle accidents can be catastrophic due to a bike’s lack of protection. If you or someone you love has been involved and injured in a Southern California motorcycle accident, then contact a personal injury attorney to find out if you have a legal case against the negligent driver..

Contact an experienced Orange County motorcycle injury attorney at the Law Office of John P. Burns today. Attorney John Burns will provide you with a free consultation and your next steps. Call (877) 320-1338 today, and also request your FREE copy of the book at our website, 9 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your California Vehicle Accident Case.


1 thought on “Motorcycle Safety Tips for Riding in Southern California”

  1. Great safety tips for motorcyclist! Yes unfortunately, for many, motorcycle accidents can happen no matter how many safety precautions are taken. It’s better to hire a personal injury attorney after you are injured in a motorcycle accident.

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