Mission Viejo pedestrian injury lawyer John P. Burns often handles cases involving pedestrians being struck by vehicles. USA Today reports, in an article, that the number of pedestrian deaths increased for the first half of 2012 by 13.5%. The article indicates that the National Highway Traffic Administraion(NHTSA) does not presently have an explanation as to why the pedestrian death rose so dramatically.
The article did note that safety experts believe that an unusually mild winter may be one factor. Presumably, more people are driving and walking when the weather is good so that means more drivers and pedestrians on the roads.
Case example
As a Mission Viejo pedestrian accident and injury lawyer John P. Burns has handled many vehicle vs pedestrian cases. In one case, a pedestrian was about to enter a crosswalk just as a driver was making a right turn on a red light. The driver was looking to the left in order to accelerate quickly when an opening in the traffic occurred.
Unfortunately, when the driver accelerated into the right turn the pedestrian was in the crosswalk. The pedestrian was hit by the vehicle and the pedestrian suffered significant injuries. Attorney Burns filed a lawsuit and the case was settled to the client’s satisfaction.
Attorney John P. Burns recommends the following to pedestrians crossing streets in heavy traffic areas.
- Cross only in the cross walk.
- Keep watching for vehicles while in the crosswalk.
- Turn off any portable music players and concentrate on the traffic.
- Walk defensively so that you are watching for vehicles that might hit you.