How To Get Your Car, Truck Or Motorcycle Repaired After an Accident

You can go through either the other driver’s insurance company to get your car fixed or go through your own insurance company to get the car fixed.  It’s usually better to go through the insurance company of the other driver because then you don’t have to pay your deductible.

My name is John Burns and I’m a personal injury attorney in South Orange County California.  My office is located right where  Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, San Juan Capistrano all come together.

Here are a few more things it is good to know.

  1. You don’t have to go to the shop suggested by the insurance company of the other driver. The reason that you need to know that is because they have what are called preferred shops that are giving the insurance companies preferred rates.  It may not be the way you want to have your car fixed.
  2. My suggestion to you is, go to the shop that you feel is appropriate for the repair of your car, even if means going back to the dealer’s repair facility.  You want to make sure that you get the car repaired correctly.
  3. Many times the insurance company of the other driver will send their adjuster out to look at your car at the shop that you want it repaired at, and that’s fine, that’s a normal part of the process.  So you’ll have to be prepared to have your car there for a day to have it reviewed and once that gets reviewed it will get repaired.

Now why, if you have this situation, should you call me to talk about it?  The reason is because usually at the beginning of a case you’re aggravated, you’re upset, you’ve really had it with this whole thing, and it’s really nice for you to have someone take care of this for you.

So why don’t you give me a call and I’ll be glad to discuss it with you.  My phone number is (949) 496-7000, and my email is  Thanks for watching the video.  Ha a great day.


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