Have you ever been on a long road trip and felt tired while driving? Have you ever nodded off behind the wheel while heading home late at night? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you are not alone. In fact, drowsy driving in Southern California and across the nation has become a real concern.
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety conducted a recent study in which two out of every five drivers in the United States admitted to falling asleep while driving. That statistic means that 41% of all drivers have fallen asleep behind the wheel at some point during their lives.
The study also revealed that one in ten drivers has fallen asleep while driving during the last year. More than 25% of the surveyed drivers admitted to straining to keep their eyes open from behind the wheel during the previous month.
These numbers are alarming, since driving while fatigued presents a real danger and often leads to car accidents. Drivers may not be aware that lack of sleep can affect their reaction time, defenses, and judgment.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration suggests the danger of drowsy driving with the following crash data:
- One in six fatal crashes involved a fatigued driver.
- One in fourteen crashes involvinginvolved a drowsy driver required a car to be towed from the crash.
- One in eight accidents involving a drowsy driver sent someone to the hospital.
“Many of us tend to underestimate the negative effects associated with fatigue and sleep deprivation and, conversely, overestimate our abilities to overcome them while driving,” said Kathleen Marvaso, vice president, AAA Public Affairs.
Ultimately, drowsy driving contributes to car accidents in California and throughout the nation. Driving while deprived of sleep increases a driver’s chance of being involved in a motor vehicle accident, which can lead to serious injuries and fatalities.
Drowsy driving in Orange County and throughout California creates a serious danger to the driver as well as innocent people sharing the roads. If you have been injured in an Orange County car accident due to a drowsy or fatigued driver, then you may be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries, medical bills, vehicle damage, lost wages, and more.
If you would like to speak to someone about your rights, then contact an Orange County car accident attorney at the Law Office of John P. Burns. Just call (877) 320-1338 for your free consultation today. You can also visit our website to request your FREE copy of Burns’s book, 9 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your California Vehicle Accident Case.