It’s a sad fact, but motorists and bicyclists do not share the road very well. Although there are rules in place and street signs that preach “share the road,” some motorists and bicyclists alike are guilty of breaking these rules.
In Orange County, police in Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, and Laguna Beach recently unveiled a safety campaign targeting motorists and bicyclists in hopes of decreasing Orange County bicycle accidents and fatalities. During the campaign, police officers not only witnessed cars breaking the rules of the road, but they also witnessed cyclists blowing through red lights. Once these bikes were pulled over, cyclists were given a brochure: “Ride in the bicycle lane or the farthest right of the lane.” The brochure also instructs cyclists to ride in a single file line and obey traffic laws and lights.
Police want to stress the message for cyclists’ safety, as there have been about 100 cycling accidents involving motor vehicles in Newport Beach each year.
However, cyclists are typically not the ones who cause the accidents. When drivers of cars are negligent, bicycle accidents and fatalities may occur. Police witnessed many vehicles breaking the laws which could have led to an Orange County bicycle accident or fatality, including:
- Speeding
- Distracted driving
- Not coming to a stop before turning right
- Dangerous left hand turns
- Drifting into the bike lane
- Running a red light
- Drunk driving
Many cyclists and motorists got away with warnings and education during this two-day campaign, but some received tickets, depending upon the seriousness of the crime.
If you or a family member has been injured or killed in a bicycle accident in Orange County due to a negligent or aggressive driver, you may have legal rights to financial compensation. You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, physical therapy, rehabilitation, loss of services, lost wages, and more.Contact the Law Offices of John P. Burns today at (877) 320-1338 to find out your legal rights.
If you were in an Orange County car and bicycle crash, make sure to order your FREE book, 9 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your California Vehicle Accident Case, available from Orange County personal injury attorney John Burns.