The unfortunate truth is that man’s best friend can cause a great deal of pain and harm. What’s worse is that most bites come from dogs that the victim owns or knows through a friend or family member. Many of these bites require medical attention and a few are even fatal.
California law makes it the responsibility of the dog’s owner for any and all damages caused by the dog as a result of the incident.
If you have suffered from a dog bite, taking these steps will help you get compensated for the medical expenses you incurred.
- Take pictures of the scene, if you are able. Take a picture of the dog, of your injuries and where it occurred.
- Get the contact information of anyone who witnessed the attack and be sure to stay in touch with them.
- Find out if the dog has ever been quarantined by animal control or had any previous “Animal Bite Reports” filed against it.
- Research the local leash law of where the incident occurred and see if the law was being violated when the dog bit you.
- Interview neighbors of the dog and see what they say about the behavior of the animal. Neighbors will be able to give great insight into how the dog normally behaves.
Taking these steps will help you find the information you need about the owners and the dog. It will be dramatically increase your ability to receive compensation for your damages.
If you have been bitten by a dog and have questions about what to do next, please contact us, at no charge, at 949-496-7000.